Betwixt and Between

Spinning off from the last episode, Betwixt and Between discuss the role of ancestors in their Witchcraft.

-What is an ancestor?

-Are we "all related?"

 -Must we only relate to ancestors in a construct of linear time?

 -What about adoption?

 -Can you work with ancestors to resolve troubles you had with them in life? What about to try and heal the systemic problems our ancestors created, such as racism? And if yes, should you?

 -Does work with ancestors intersect with work with the energy of a particular place or bioregion?

And, most importantly, have you sent in a question yet to be entered into the drawing for super-fun stuff?!??!?! Email us today!

Direct download: Podcast_Template_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:35pm CDT

As part of the annual Samhain observance, Betwixt and Between talk about various ideas about the afterlife from a range of cultures, discuss how to reconcile ghosts, work with ancestors, and other spirit activity with beliefs about reincarnation and realms of punishment and reward, and ramble about personal experiences, as per usual.

And hey, don't forget to email us with a question or episode idea, and we'll enter you into a drawing for a Betwixt and Between care package! You can expect handmade WItchy items, herbs from our gardens, and other cool surprises! So email us at!


Check out our blog for pictures and links.

Direct download: Halloween_Session_1_mixdown.mp3
Category:Witchcraft -- posted at: 12:02pm CDT

Examining the practical application of the various spiritual influences that affect us all, Betwixt and Between discuss the ins and outs of an eclectic practice, including spiritual speed dating, finding your spiritual posse, and the perils of dream catchers.


*Apologies for the delay in publishing--this was meant to be the September episode. There will be an extra October episode to follow!

Direct download: Podcast_9-2-15_edited.mp3
Category:Witchcraft -- posted at: 2:14pm CDT

In this episode, Betwixt and Between discuss mental illness, mental health, whether Witches and Pagans are "crazy," and, perhaps most vehemently of all, when and how we should reach out to people we think might need help. Drawing on their backgrounds of both personal and professional experience, they try to unpack the anxieties many may feel about seeking help for mental health problems, and offer suggestions for seeking resources. 

If you or someone you love is struggling with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, a more severe diagnosis like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, or is in an abusive situation, PLEASE reach out for help, and keep reaching out to different resources until someone listens. You are not alone, and there is hope out there for you.

Purely for informational purposes: The Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnosis website

Guide to developing a resources list for your area

Items you'll definitely want to include:

-Any community mental health clinics

-the number for your local Department of Children's Services

-the number(s) for any organizations established to aid victims of sexual assault or abuse

-the number(s) for any organizations or shelters for people dealing with domestic abuse, starting with a local YWCA

-the number(s) for any local crisis hotlines or walk-in crisis centers (always take someone to the ER if you don't have one of these in your area)

-the local suicide hotline number

-information such as numbers and websites for resources to help those without insurance

        Here are some things you might find helpful in that regard: 

State medicare contact number
Local health department apt to have low cost healthcare resources
Direct download: Podcast_8-11-15_mixdown1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:37pm CDT

Back after a LOOOOOOOOONG break, we catch up on what we've been up to, then discuss the teaching of Witchcraft.

What is a Witch teacher? What purpose does having one serve? And what are the pitfalls of being one? 

It's good to be back!


Info about cover crops (in case you want to expand the metaphor).


Chickens--the coolest/weirdest heads ever.


The NWW episode we referenced.


Isaac Bonewits cult evaluation.


Sarah Lawless's take on teacher evaluation.


Check out our Wordpress site for pictures.

Direct download: Episode_11_Teachers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:54am CDT