Betwixt and Between

As Fall begins to roll in, Betwixt and Between sit down to share some listener emails and delve into more gardening, connecting, and living the Witchy life even when you don’t feel like your roots go that deep yet where you are.

Check out our website,, for links, pics, and more!

Direct download: Episode_24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:57am CDT

Aaaaaaaaaaand we’re back! After a summer sort-of-hiatus, Betwixt and Between are super excited to be back at it, and in an episode chock full of cicadas, birdsong, air traffic, and diversions, it’s time to discuss Magical Books. Explore the difference between books of shadows, grimoires, and other texts, pop culture references, and even texts “made of children.” Get ready for regular recording and more good times ahead.

Direct download: Betwixt_and_Between_Ep_23.mp3
Category:Witchcraft -- posted at: 12:13pm CDT