Betwixt and Between

In response to a listener request, Betwixt and Between talk pregnancy, childbirth, and newborns--real-life experiences and magical practices. Complete with interruptions from extant children!

A happy December and Season of Light to all.

Direct download: Episode_46_-_Mama_Magic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11pm CST

Happy Halloween, Blessed Samhain, and thank you for listening! Betwixt and Between revisit the concept of Witches Rest, talk about the current status of their Tradition, and generally find it hard to focus in the presence of the Witchlettes "being quiet."



Direct download: Episode_45_-_Rest_Revisited.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm CST

A real (ish) time recording! Betwixt and Between talk about Fall in their local environments and then share updates about their current lives and practices. Lots of changes have come down the proverbial pike!

Here are some links you may find useful while listening to this episode: (They have a wonderful blog, podcast, and two amazing books!) (Living history from the perspective of a person of color) (How to Make Everything--a GREAT time no matter what you're interested in!) (Styling vintage--informative and fun) (Cosplay and vintage style) (An exceptional student of historical dress and a gifted seamstress--especially for great information on misconceptions of corsets!) (For the SCA inclined)


Direct download: Episode_44_-_Lifestyles_of_the_Witch_and_Sagacious.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:42pm CST

We are happy to report that Jacob is officially on the mend, and his first order of business (bless him) was to get us this episode! Just a day late, but hopefully not a dollar short, with this August episode!


Betwixt and Between, building on their chat with Kit and previous talk about ancestors, delve in this episode into what inspires them about the Stone Age (specifically the Meso and Neolithic periods). Brace yourselves for an abundant and childish use of "Homo" (sapiens, erectus, habulus...), yet ANOTHER recap of the production of fiber and clothing (Between has a problem), and a summary of Jean M. Auel's seminal works. And Between singing. Of course. 


Resources to check out: 

A History of the World in 100 Objects

Stories From the Stone Age

Ice Age Clip

Cave Art

Stonehenge Houses (Knee Impressions)


What are your favorite books from young adulthood? And which of them included Witches? Join our conversation with Jacob Haller, our Intrepid Editor, that crosses over with his wonderful podcast, Love YA Like Crazy. We examine what YA is, our favorite examples of Witches in the books we loved (and still love), and (unfortunately) beard nipples.


Direct download: Episode_42_-_Love_YA_Like_Crazy_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:05am CST

Hello All Listeners! This episode, Betwixt and Between chat with and fangirl over Sara Schuster of the Tending Seeds podcast. Sara is an herbalist, homesteader, soapmaker, podcaster, and Plant Witch (among so many other things!). We hope you enjoy this talk as much as we did, and please go check her out on Instagram and give her wonderful show a listen!

Direct download: Episode_41.mp3
Category:Witchcraft -- posted at: 10:56am CST

Buckle up, Witches! We're going WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back into the past to talk about the myth of, and evidence for, matrifocal culture and a "Goddess Worshipping Society." We just can't get enough of the Goddess talk! Instead of examining contemporary Triple Goddess praxis and belief, this time Betwixt and Between talk to their friend "Kit," a Witch who merges historical and archeological study with her magical path, about why the Goddess construct IS a positive thing, and where it actually may have come from historically. 

Direct download: Episode_40.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:12pm CST

Down at the Cross-Over, as it were, Betwixt and Between enjoy a fantastic conversation with Chris and Tara in this episode. Listen to hear all about their book, their Tradition, and just general merriment and comraderies. 


You can find out more about Chris and Tara at

Direct download: Episode_39_-_Besom_Stang_and_Sword_interview_with_intro.mp3
Category:Witchcraft -- posted at: 5:53pm CST

Back from her world travels, Between tells all about her trip to Thailand, with specific focus on the spirituality she encountered there. Make sure to check out the podcast website for lots of pictures!

Direct download: 38_-_Betweens_Travel_Diaries_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:16pm CST

Maybe the Triple Goddess is a theological concept that really works for you...and maybe it isn't. Betwixt and Between explore the pros and cons of the Triple Goddess, examining experiences from their own lives, discussing the origins of the concept, and, of course, delving into hilarity. 

This episode does include discussions of fertility struggles and pregnancy loss.

It also includes a comparison of the hymen to both a balloon arch and swiss cheese, so...

Direct download: Episode_37_-_The_Triple_Goddess.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:08pm CST

After looking back at the end of 2018, Between gets angry...but hopefully you'll still like her when she's angry. The discussion centers around Alex Mar's Witches of America, a book Between found...somewhat problematic. Consider the importance and power of how your story is told, and who should tell it (spoiler alert: it's you!).

Here's looking forward to an exciting 2019!

Direct download: Episode_36_-_The_Power_of_Narrative.mp3
Category:Witchcraft -- posted at: 2:17pm CST