Sun, 27 June 2021
Join us for our chat with Fire Lyte, of Inciting a Riot, about his book A Dabbler's Guide to Witchcraft: Seeking an Intentional Magical Path. A book we can highly recommend for those entering today's Pagan community, and for those trying to explain today's Pagan community to possible new seekers, A Dabbler's Guide addresses everything from making up your own path to cultural sensitivity. We certainly had a lot of fun covering it all! |
Mon, 30 November 2020
If you aren't all booked up, and are ready for a thrill up your spine, then pick up this episode! Witches everywhere love books, but some struggle with how to use them. Did you know you don't have to read every book cover-to-cover, and commit everything in it to memory? Did you know there are ways to determine if a book is right for you? We love this topic so much, we're covering it in two volumes! |
Fri, 30 October 2020
Betwixt and Between get cozy (as cozy as you can get on Zoom!) with Byron Ballard, "The Village Witch of Asheville." Delve into folklore, spiritual ancestry, Appalachian magic, and evolving modern-day Paganism as three Witches cackle about everything from book writing to menopause.
Also mentioned: |
Tue, 29 September 2020
Remember when you could travel to other states to visit friends, and stay in their houses? Remember when you could spend the day sitting around the same table with them, recording a podcast? We barely do, either, but then we found this episode! We've been hanging onto it since that magical era, and the time has come to release it! Join Betwixt and Between as they talk about Alchemy with writer and alchemical enthusiast Bryson, who came down from the North with Glinda, oh those long, long months ago. What is alchemy? Is it the provenance of old white guys? How does it influence us today? Should you ever play with mercury? (Spoiler Alert: NO.) In October we will return with more-or-less current recordings. Until then, be well! |
Wed, 26 February 2020
Betwixt and Between continue their conversation about Hedges, physical and metaphysical. What are hedges for--to keep things out...or in? And what is our relationship to hedges in America? Why should this very European tradition have saliency for American Witches? Enjoy this further conversation about one of our favorite things!
Direct download: Episode_48_-_Hedging_Your_Bets_part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:48am CST |
Sat, 30 November 2019
In response to a listener request, Betwixt and Between talk pregnancy, childbirth, and newborns--real-life experiences and magical practices. Complete with interruptions from extant children! A happy December and Season of Light to all. |
Thu, 31 October 2019
Happy Halloween, Blessed Samhain, and thank you for listening! Betwixt and Between revisit the concept of Witches Rest, talk about the current status of their Tradition, and generally find it hard to focus in the presence of the Witchlettes "being quiet." Enjoy!
Wed, 2 October 2019
A real (ish) time recording! Betwixt and Between talk about Fall in their local environments and then share updates about their current lives and practices. Lots of changes have come down the proverbial pike! Here are some links you may find useful while listening to this episode: (They have a wonderful blog, podcast, and two amazing books!) (Living history from the perspective of a person of color) (How to Make Everything--a GREAT time no matter what you're interested in!) (Styling vintage--informative and fun) (Cosplay and vintage style) (An exceptional student of historical dress and a gifted seamstress--especially for great information on misconceptions of corsets!) (For the SCA inclined)
Direct download: Episode_44_-_Lifestyles_of_the_Witch_and_Sagacious.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:42pm CST |
Tue, 30 July 2019
What are your favorite books from young adulthood? And which of them included Witches? Join our conversation with Jacob Haller, our Intrepid Editor, that crosses over with his wonderful podcast, Love YA Like Crazy. We examine what YA is, our favorite examples of Witches in the books we loved (and still love), and (unfortunately) beard nipples. Sigh. |
Mon, 27 May 2019
Buckle up, Witches! We're going WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back into the past to talk about the myth of, and evidence for, matrifocal culture and a "Goddess Worshipping Society." We just can't get enough of the Goddess talk! Instead of examining contemporary Triple Goddess praxis and belief, this time Betwixt and Between talk to their friend "Kit," a Witch who merges historical and archeological study with her magical path, about why the Goddess construct IS a positive thing, and where it actually may have come from historically. |
Wed, 20 March 2019
Back from her world travels, Between tells all about her trip to Thailand, with specific focus on the spirituality she encountered there. Make sure to check out the podcast website for lots of pictures! |
Sun, 24 February 2019
Maybe the Triple Goddess is a theological concept that really works for you...and maybe it isn't. Betwixt and Between explore the pros and cons of the Triple Goddess, examining experiences from their own lives, discussing the origins of the concept, and, of course, delving into hilarity. This episode does include discussions of fertility struggles and pregnancy loss. It also includes a comparison of the hymen to both a balloon arch and swiss cheese, so... |
Mon, 3 December 2018
Recorded over Thanksgiving weekend, Betwixt and Between gathered with Glinda and her wife, Bryson, and their collective 5 Witchlettes ranging in age from 2-8. What's it like for them, being raised by Witches? Are they Witches? How do they know? Find out in this short--but adorable--special episode! |
Mon, 8 January 2018
Betwixt tells you everything you need to know about why we haven't put out an episode since October. |
Tue, 26 September 2017
As Fall begins to roll in, Betwixt and Between sit down to share some listener emails and delve into more gardening, connecting, and living the Witchy life even when you don’t feel like your roots go that deep yet where you are. Check out our website,, for links, pics, and more! |
Mon, 17 July 2017
Listen up to find out what the heck happened to us releasing episodes once per month and for a peek into what's to come! |
Thu, 23 March 2017
We, as a rule, try not to get too political on this podcast, but when the times call for it, who are we not to answer? Betwixt and Between are joined again in this episode by Glinda, the Witch of the North, who recounts her experiences at the Women’s March in January, and topics range from the Spell on Trump to the history of activism in Witchcraft. |
Mon, 6 February 2017
Happy very very very very VERY late Winter Holidays! After a little discussion of their preparation for (ahem) Solstice and Christmas, Betwixt and Between get down to business talking about house spirits. Discussing both their own personal house spirit experiences and the range of such spirits from around the world, this episode is a great starting place for getting to know the brownies, tomtes, and wights in your life.
Note: Though we credit Between's Husband for editing the podcast, this is actually the first episode edited by our new editor, Jacob Haller. |
Sun, 20 November 2016
After resolving some technical issues, Betwixt and Between are back, and all about the magic of crafts. From incorporating handcrafts into rituals and spells to the magic inherent in crafts for their own sake, this is a cozy chat about it all (and no one dozes off in the process!). You might want to grab your knitting (or whatever your poison of choice is) for this one! Pics and links at our Wordpress site. |
Sun, 18 September 2016
It's been a LOOOOOOOOONG break, but Betwixt and Between are back with updates and answering (sort of? You'll see!) all of your wonderful questions. New episodes soon, and the long-awaited drawing!
Sun, 22 November 2015
Spinning off from the last episode, Betwixt and Between discuss the role of ancestors in their Witchcraft. -What is an ancestor? -Are we "all related?" -Must we only relate to ancestors in a construct of linear time? -What about adoption? -Can you work with ancestors to resolve troubles you had with them in life? What about to try and heal the systemic problems our ancestors created, such as racism? And if yes, should you? -Does work with ancestors intersect with work with the energy of a particular place or bioregion? And, most importantly, have you sent in a question yet to be entered into the drawing for super-fun stuff?!??!?! Email us today! |
Wed, 12 August 2015
In this episode, Betwixt and Between discuss mental illness, mental health, whether Witches and Pagans are "crazy," and, perhaps most vehemently of all, when and how we should reach out to people we think might need help. Drawing on their backgrounds of both personal and professional experience, they try to unpack the anxieties many may feel about seeking help for mental health problems, and offer suggestions for seeking resources. If you or someone you love is struggling with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, a more severe diagnosis like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, or is in an abusive situation, PLEASE reach out for help, and keep reaching out to different resources until someone listens. You are not alone, and there is hope out there for you. Purely for informational purposes: The Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnosis website Guide to developing a resources list for your area Items you'll definitely want to include: -Any community mental health clinics -the number for your local Department of Children's Services -the number(s) for any organizations established to aid victims of sexual assault or abuse -the number(s) for any organizations or shelters for people dealing with domestic abuse, starting with a local YWCA -the number(s) for any local crisis hotlines or walk-in crisis centers (always take someone to the ER if you don't have one of these in your area) -the local suicide hotline number -information such as numbers and websites for resources to help those without insurance Here are some things you might find helpful in that regard:
State medicare contact number
Local health department apt to have low cost healthcare resources |
Wed, 8 July 2015
Back after a LOOOOOOOOONG break, we catch up on what we've been up to, then discuss the teaching of Witchcraft. What is a Witch teacher? What purpose does having one serve? And what are the pitfalls of being one? It's good to be back!
Info about cover crops (in case you want to expand the metaphor).
Chickens--the coolest/weirdest heads ever.
The NWW episode we referenced.
Isaac Bonewits cult evaluation.
Sarah Lawless's take on teacher evaluation.
Check out our Wordpress site for pictures. |