Betwixt and Between

What is Witches' Rest? When is it? How long does it last, and what is allowed and forbidden? Recorded before the big winter holidays (and only put up just before Imbolc/Candlemas because, hey, that's how we roll!), this episode explores ideas of self-care, getting in touch with your needs and goals as a practitioner, being in touch with the actual occurrence of winter in your region, personal cycles of practice, giving yourself permission, and periods of immersion versus integrated rest into daily life. 

Quick personal updates: We both had lovely holidays with family, and Between finished her Witchlette's dollhouse, which received rave reviews. 

No baby yet, but we are expecting the Wee Miss any day now. Anticipation builds by the moment!

Direct download: Session_1-30-16.mp3
Category:Witchcraft -- posted at: 3:36pm CST